Equivalence of MLE and OLS in linear regression
A linear regression model can be described using:
This simplifies to the following form on the observed data:
After obtaining the maximum likelihood estimate for the coefficients using the sample, this equation simplifies to:
The objective of this (short) article is to use the assumptions to establish the equivalence of OLS and MLE solutions for linear regression.
Important Model Assumptions
- True underlying distribution of the errors is Gaussian
- Expected value of the error term is 0 (known)
- Variance of the error term is constant with respect to x
- The ‘lagged’ errors are independent of each other
Full Likelihood
For an observation e from a Gaussian distribution with 0 mean and constant variance, the likelihood is given by:
Given the whole data set of n observations, assuming the residues are realizations of the iid (independent and identically distributed) Gaussian error, the likelihood can be written as:
Since log is a monotonous transformation, the maximum likelihood estimate does not change on log transformation:
Substituting the maximum likelihood estimate:
Removing the constant terms:
Substituting e from equation 1, we get:
Maximizing -z is equivalent to minimizing z, therefore:
All Assumptions
- Relationship between independent variable and dependent variables is linear
- True underlying distribution of the error is Gaussian with 0 mean
- Independent variables do not exhibit high level of multicollinearity
- No autocorrelation: ‘lagged’ error terms are independent
- No heteroskedasticity (already used): variance of the error is independent of X and is constant throughout
- Multivariate normality of independent variables (not required, but helpful) for proving few special properties
- The independent variables are measured without random error. Therefore, X and x are not random